Monday, March 1, 2010

"Buffett:Health care a 'Tapeworm' on U.S. economy"

Today in the Chicago Tribune Warren Buffet talked about the cost of health care and how it is eating it's way through American's money. Buffet quotes saying "Billionaire Warren Buffett says health care costs are a major drain on U.S. businesses and act like an "economic tape worm." Other countries use 9% GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on healthcare while the U.S. uses 17%, which according to Buffett is not practical at all. Buffett says that he would like a change in the cost of health care, lowering the costs instead of changing how the system works. "He says he hopes Congress will develop a new health care reform proposal that will restrict costs more than any of the current plans would."

Friedman believes that the government's role in the economy should be limited, that they should be an empire in the game. The government should only make sure the companies are playing and following the rules. Also he says that he market should set the price of health care and the government should not have a say on what should be done with insurance companies and the prices. Friedman would disagree with Buffett's idea of what the government should do with this problem. He would say the government should stay completely out of health care and should just oversee that the insurance companies are doing what they are supposed to do.

I disagree with Friedman because it's a little for the government to back down now on health care, but also because with out the government being involved health care would not exist for everyone. I think health care should be available for everyone and also be affordable and not take so much money from Americans. Health care should not exist to have companies gain money from it and to benefit the economy, but to help people in the U.S. to gain access to these privileges that we have. I think the governments role in health care is very important because they set the rules on what should be done and are not in it to make a profit like the insurance companies, who if are in full control would just want to make a bigger profit and want to increase prices.

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